Scheda Profinet PCU-ETHIO
La scheda Direct-Link™ PCU-ETHIO fornisce una comunicazione deterministica ad alta velocita tra applicazioni in tempo reale come PC-based Control, pacchetti SoftLogic, e vari dispositivi I / O comunicanti tramite reti Ethernet industriali mediante Open Modbus o Rockwell EtherNet / IP messaging.
A smart A.D.M (Automatic Dual port ram Mapping) mechanism avoids the I/O tags configuration in the Dual Port RAM of the card. More than a simple I/O acquisition card, the Direct-Link™ PCU-DVNIO/PC104-DVNIO interfaces provide the applications with additional information such as: device status and diagnostics, process data read/write monitoring, communication tools for troubleshooting, hardware and software Watchdog, etc.
The communication layers are completely embedded on the card, allowing easy and fast communication with field devices resulting in remarkable application performance.
Confezione del prodotto include:
Console grafica per la configurazione e gli strumenti diagnostici
Server dati (OPC DA 1,0 A e 2,05, ActiveX, FastDDE / SuiteLink)
I / O le librerie per Windows (DLL) e il tempo di hard real VenturCom
estensioni (RTX)
Driver soft-logica pacchetti
Libreria statica per i non-windows OS